8 Questions with Scott Hampton

Little 500 veteran and 500 Sprint Car Tour competitor Scott Hampton sat down for a Q&A session with 500 Sprint Car Tour media members. Here is how the conversation went with Scott Hampton ahead of the 76th Annual Little 500 presented by UAW.

Q: If you could do any race over again, which race would you choose?

A: If I could have any race back it would be the 2022 little 500. There were some issues that happened, and I would make sure Armstrong wouldn’t get the chance to spin me again. (or I can hope he wouldn’t even think about doing it again)

Q: Some drivers keep a payback list in their minds. Do you also have a list for drivers who have done you a favor on the track?

A: There's always a list of drivers who run you clean so you make sure to do the same. Also, it’s the spotters job to take mental notes as well since the Little 500 you come and go. So we try to take care of those who do the same.

Q: How often do you have dreams about racing?

A: To be honest I don’t really have dreams. Well, I'm sure I do but I don’t remember them. Now I think about racing all the time, though, and try to see what we can do to make things better.

Q: What is a food you would not recommend eating right before a race and are you speaking from personal experience with this recommendation?

A: You know, I've never been one to eat before races so I'm not really sure. If I do eat, I make sure it's something lite. Now after the races, I'm always down for anything that’s open.

Q: What do drivers talk about when they’re standing around at driver intros before a race?

A: I don’t think it's fair to ask me this question because you never know what I will bring up or talk about. I tend to be the one to make conversations awkward if I can.

Q: If someone paid you $5 million to design a new racetrack and gave you an unlimited budget, what kind of track would you build?

A: If I am designing a pavement track, I would design an Irwindale style track and put it here in Indiana for us to run. If it was dirt, I would build the old Lawrenceburg speedway (2006 era).

Q: What's a TV show you're really into right now?

A: I was really into suits lately, but if it’s a TV show, Price is RIght always nice to watch.

Q: If you could team up with anyone or hire a driver who would it be?

A: I would of course team up with Kevin Besecker if I could. He always has fast cars and the short time I did run for him was a lot of fun. 


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